Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Some tips and tricks for beginners of blog reading...

I've had some questions about the blog, and I'll do my best to answer them here:

1. How do I leave a comment?
In the lower right corner of every entry in the blog there is a small blue text saying "X COMMENTS" (where X is a number representing the number of comments on the topic, most commonly "0 COMMENTS" which means no comments have been posted...). If you click on the blue text, you come to a page where you can read the comments and write your own. After you have written a comment, I will read it to make sure that you're not writing something offensive or something I do not want on my blog, before it is shown on the page. In other words your comment will not show until I have read it and authorized it to be published. This might take a day or two, since I'm not on the Internet every day... Don't fear, soon enough your comment will show up.

2. Where did the pictures of [this or that] go? Where did the post about [some topic] go? I can't find them anymore?
On the first page that you come to when you visit there is a limited number of posts shown. These are the newest posts. The older posts are found under the headline "Previous Posts" or "Archives" on the right hand side of the blog. "Previous Posts" contain links to a few more of the recent entries, while "Archives" contain all posts sorted by the month they were written.

I hope I hereby have straightened out a few question marks (?) to exclamation marks (!). It's always nice to see that people are reading, so feel free to comment!


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