Sunday, April 09, 2006


It's well easy to get around in Ghana. For example a taxi anywhere in central Accra is around 10 000 cedis, which is about 60p (cirkus 8-9 kr tror jag...). Most of the time you can find a shared taxi to your destination cutting the price to about a third of that. The shared taxis works the same way as our bus services back home, but with no time tables. They cover certain routes that you are supposed to just know just out of air, but if you don't anyone will gladly help you. There are so many taxis here, during the daytime I'd estimate 3 out of 4 passing cars are taxis, that you rarely have to wait at all for one.
If you are travelling betweeen towns Government transport is recommended by everyone. They have big buses that are safe, but we have not yet travelled far enough for it to be an option. We have, though, tried the less recommended Tro-tros. A tro-tro is a van of any kind, in which as many seats as possible are fitted. A driver and his "mate" are the staff of the tro-tro, the driver drives and the mate takes care of money transactions. It's very cheap to go by tro-tro, 3000 cedis to go from Tema to Accra for example, but it is a bit of a gamble. It is not rare that the drivers are young and with slim economic margins the speed often is high in order to be able to go many times back and forth. We have so far gone once with a tro-tro on a dirt road, and we are not keen on doing it again. On proper roads we feel more comfortable, and we go by taxi on the stretches where it is possible. The tro-tro's in the region around Accra ar olso mostly quite new, and safe in comparison to the ones in more rural parts, where they might just aswell just be a covered lorry with wooden benches...
There are trains, but there is not much rail for them to go on. The rail system is limited to some parts in the south of Ghana, and rumour has it that it is getting run down due to lacking funds, and declining clientel...
Allright! internet time almost up! Write more later!


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